About us

The ChineseBaptist.School learning platform is a service of the Chinese Baptist Fellowship of the United States and Canada (ChineseBaptists.org). Developed to support the Chinese Baptist School of Church Leadership (cbscl.org), ChineseBaptist.School is an online platform suitable for other online educational materials.
If you are interested in joining our team in any way - whether supporting our technology,  teaching/developing courseware, or helping to promote - please contact us at:
Gideon Lee (gideon.lee@cbfusacanada.org)
Yau Hang Chan (gideonychan@gmail.com)

Meet our team

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Rev. Dr. Gideon Lee 李業基博士/牧師

Email: gideon.lee@cbfusacanada.org

Pastor Gideon Lee was born and raised in Hong Kong. After high school, he immigrated with his family to the USA. He studied at MIT as an undergraduate majoring in computer science. He was called to Christian ministry while a student there. He received his MDiv from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a PhD from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Lee moved to California in 2019 to serve at the Crosspoint Church of Silicon Valley. Currently, he teaches as an adjunct professor at Gateway Seminary and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Since 2023, he has also been serving as a trustee of the SBC Executive Committee.
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Yau Hang Gideon Chan 陳友恒

Email: gideonychan@gmail.com

I came to know Christ as a teenager when I was thirteen. It was a profound experience that turned my life upside down. My journey of seeking God’s truth and surrendering my life to him was a gradual process. Like my faith journey, my call to ministry leadership was also not sudden or dramatic. I have been involved in church ministry full-time, part-time, and as a faith volunteer. God’s call for me has involved teaching, discipling, Bible study teaching, counseling, administration, and preaching. For this season of my life, God has called me to teach and care for God’s children, especially in older adult ministry. I am currently a DMin candidate at Gateway Seminary. I have a Master of Divinity from Golden Gate Seminary and a Master of Computer Science from the University of Southern California.
從十三歲起就認識並相信基督, 這是一次深刻的經歷,徹底改變了我的生命。 尋求神的真理並將生命交託給他的旅程是一個漸進的過程。 就像我的信仰之旅一樣,我的呼召也不是突然或戲劇性的。 在四十多年中, 曾經全職、兼職以及作為平信徒參與教會事工。 神對我的呼召涉及 門訓、聖經教導、輔導、教會管理和講道。 在我生命的這個階段,神呼召我去教導和關懷照顧長者事工。 我目前是 Gateway 神學院的道學博士(DMin) 候選人。 我擁有金門神學院的道學碩士學位和南加州大學電腦工程碩士學位。
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