事工領導和管理 (CLE-1310-24FA)


12-week online course 12 周在線課程


9/24/2024 - 12/17/2024


Rev. Dr. Terry Fung 馮嘉樂博士/牧師


Cantonese 粵語,練習和測驗可以用中文或英文完成


Tuesday class: 7:30-9pm PST 週二班:西岸時間晚上 7:30-9時




An introduction to the basic principles and methods of church management and polity. Unique aspects of biblical leadership and administration will be applied to the ministries and functions of a local church. Attention will also be given to leading parachurch organizations and denominational agencies. Current resources and techniques will be examined. 介紹教會管理和體政的基本原則和方法。聖經領導和管理的獨特方面應用於地方教會的事工和職能。注意領導教會組織和宗派機構。認識今日的資源和技術。


  • Understanding of the biblical, personal, and experiential foundations of being a Christian leader. 了解成為基督徒領袖的聖經、個人和經驗基礎
  • Ability to develop relationships and value relational leadership. 發展關係和重視關係領導的能力。
  • Ability to build teams for ministry design and implementation to reach and teach persons to follow Christ. 有能力為事工的設計和實施建立團隊,以接觸和教導人們跟隨基督。


  • Understanding of the importance of delegation. 了解授權的重要性。
  • Knowledge of and ability to implement strategic planning. 了解和執行戰略規劃的能力。
  • Understanding of leadership principles for multi-cultural and cross-cultural ministries within and outside the church. 了解教會內外多元文化和跨文化事工的領導原則。
  • Ability to manage human resources. 管理人力資源的能力。


  • Ability to manage human resources. 管理人力資源的能力。
  • Ability to manage physical and financial resources. 管理物質和財務資源的能力。
  • Ability to develop organizational structure, including development of policies and procedures. 制定組織結構的能力,包括制定政策和程序。
  • Ability to use church programming to support church growth. 能夠使用教會計劃來支持教會成長。


Course Lessons

Rev. Dr. Terry Fung 馮嘉樂博士/牧師

Rev. Terry Fung, PhD was born and raised in an ancestor-worshipped family in Hong Kong. Despite the repeated outreach from a Baptist church where he lived, he refused to give an ear to what they were selling as he was spiritually blind. Until the age of 23, God gave him a second chance to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ by sending him to London UK to receive his undergraduate education. God stirred up his heart to visit a Baptist church nearby. After the first visit, Terry went back home to pray on his own to confess his sins and to invite Jesus into his heart as his personal Savior and Lord.
God called Terry to the ministry and enabled him to get his Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Doctor of Philosophy in Systematic Theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield IL) in 1996 and 2000 respectively. Since his graduation from seminary, he had served in different churches in the States of CA, AZ, CT, and NV and taught theology to Master-level students in a seminary.
馮嘉樂牧師出生並成長在香港一個拜祖先的家庭。儘管他居住的浸信教會多次與他聯繫,但他拒絕傾聽他們所推銷的東西,因為他在屬靈上是盲目的。直到23歲,神給了馮嘉樂第二次聽到耶穌基督福音的機會,送他到英國倫敦接受大學教育。神激勵他去附近的浸信教會。當馮嘉樂第一次去教會之後,他回到家獨自禱告,承認他自己的罪,並邀請耶穌進入他的心裡,成為他個人的救主和生命的主。神呼召馮嘉樂加入事工,使他於1996年併且2000年先後獲得西南浸信會神學院的道學碩士學位和三一福音神學院(伊利諾伊州)的系統神學哲學博士學位。從神學院畢業後,馮嘉樂曾在不同的教會服事: 加利福尼亞州、亞利桑那州、康涅狄格州和內華達州; 並在神學院向碩士水平的學生教授神學。
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