事工基礎 (CLP-1111-25SP)




12 周,1/20/2025 - 4/7/2025


蕭智新牧師 Rev. Tan Tieu




星期三 7:30-9PM PST / 10:30-12PM EST,每周最多2.5小時的講座視頻和在線互動


$180 - 3 學分
免費 - 旁聽

Normal 與蕭智新牧師(Rev. Tan Tieu)談事工基礎

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An entry course designed to assist students developing the necessary foundations: personal, spiritual, and ministerial for life-long ministry. Students will engage in assessment of their gifts and passions in ministry and will encounter some basic approaches to effective ministry such as strategic, financial and physical planning for ministry, communication and relational skills; and team and staff building.


Upon the successful completion of this course, the student should:

1. Gain perspective concerning God’s past and present shaping of the student’s life in the following areas:

• Spiritual gifts and calling

• Personality development

• Life experiences

• Character development

2. Identify personal and ministry strengths and growing edges

3. Devise a specific plan for developing strengths and addressing growing edges through the experience of theological education.

4. Demonstrate a personal understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities of vocational or volunteer ministry and plan personal strategies for becoming adequately prepared to respond to them.

5. Demonstrate a growing grasp of the fundamentals of effective ministry and leadership in the church:

• Time management skills and strategic planning

• Relationship and communication skills

• Capacity for administrative oversight of the financial and physical aspects of ministry and its growth

• Team and staff building and capacity for delegation and supervision


The student will be exposed to the following basic subject areas:

• A biblical, theological, and practical understanding of calling and the challenges and opportunities of a career in ministry.

• A theology and personal understanding of human differences, spiritual gifts, and personal development.

• Doctrinal and organizational principles for leading and managing a local church ministry

• Promising practices for church leaders in relationships, communication, and change

The student will be expected to master the following skills and/or minimum content:

• Assessment of self in the following areas

o Spiritual gifts

o Personality type

o Personal and ministry strengths and growing edges

o Self-understanding of call, including purpose, values, and vision

o Plan for personal and professional growth during seminary

• Assessment of leadership/management skills for local church ministry

These will be demonstrated through:

• Processing self-assessment items in a group context.

The student will be expected to develop a conceptual framework for:

• The role various experiences and people play in personal and spiritual development

• A theology of human differences and how they contribute to the proper functioning of the Church and its Kingdom mission.

• A Baptist ecclesiology which sees the pastor/leaders as administer/equippers and the members as member-ministers.

• A missional view of the church as sent into the local context and as sending out into global contexts for evangelism and church planting.

The student will demonstrate affective growth in the following areas:

• Greater understanding and appreciation of oneself

• Appreciation for the value of others who differ from him/her, and a commitment to positive relationships within the Christian community.

• Acceptance of the potential positive outcomes of painful experiences in one’s life

• Demonstrate a commitment to fulfill God’s calling on one’s life within the missional community.


Over the course of the semester, the following evaluation exercises will be used to determine the level of mastery of course content achieved by each class participant:

1. Class attendance and participation (10%)
Class attendance and participation are critical to the learning process. Students should attend and properly prepare for every class meeting.
2. Reading (10%)
Students will select portions of read McNeal and Powers. [and any selected readings].
3. Weekly quizzes (10%)
A quiz will be given at the beginning of each class. Quizzes will focus on lectures and reading from the previous week. The two lowest quiz grades will be dropped.
4. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (10%)
Students will complete an MBTI assessment online (free), write a 1-page summary and reflection on the results, and be prepared to discuss in class..
5. DISC Assessment (10%)
Students will complete a DISC assessment online (free), write a 1-page summary and reflection on the results, and be prepared to discuss in class.
6. Spiritual Gifts Inventory (10%)
Students will complete a spiritual gifts inventory online (free), write a 1-page summary and reflection on the results, and be prepared to discuss in class.
7. Visual Timeline (10%)
Students will create a visual timeline for their life. This will include important personal, familial, vocational, ministry, spiritual, etc. markers in their life. This can be completed with post-it notes on a board or in a digital form. This will also include a Genogram (examples available online).
8. Personal Calling Statement (10%)
Students will write a 1-page personal reflection on their calling to ministry. This will include what led to this decision, how it has affected their life since, and where they see God leading them in the future.
9. Personal Mentoring Plan (10%)
Students will develop a 1-page mentoring plan. This will include a timeline, goals, strategies, books, and both individuals who they would like to be mentored by and who they would like to mentor.
10. Final exam (10%)
The final exam will be a comprehensive exam, focusing on the material from McNeal and Powers as well as class lectures throughout the semester.




































Lectures & Assignments



Introduction to the course

Overview of ministry foundations & formation

Value of healthy, effective ministry foundation

Biblical & theological basis

Understanding the Ministry of Leadership and Administration

McNeal: Intro

Powers: chapter 1


The Call of God: for the Church and for You

The Will of God: for the Church and for You

Rationale for Church Leadership & Management

Powers: chapter 15

McNeal: chapter 6

Iorg: all


How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders

Sharing Our Life Histories

The Minister's Personal Life

McNeal: chapter 1-4

Powers: chapter 18


People are God's Method

Identifying your leadership style

"Working with People"

"Staff relationships"

Powers: chapter 3, 16

McNeal: chapter 5, 7


Church Formation

Church Organization

Establishing a Mission/Starting New Work,

"Getting Started in a New Ministry"

Powers: chapter 2, 13, 14, 20


Planning, Budgeting, Designing

Financial statements and property acquisition

Staff relationships and Facilitating Meetings and Group Consensus;

Powers: chapter 7, 8, 4, 17


Office and Business Basics & Financial Statements

McNeal: chapter 8, 9

Powers: chapter 5, 6


Finding Mentors and Developing Cooperative Relationships

The fellowship of Associational Life

Powers: chapter 14

McNeal: chapter 10, Conclusion


Church Publications and Legal Matters

Powers: chapter 11, 12


Planning Special Events and Food services

Powers: chapter 9, 10


Starting, Enduring and Finishing Well in Ministry

Powers: chapter 19, 21


Final Exam



McNeal, Reggie. A Work of the Heart: Understanding How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders. Updated ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2011.

Powers, Bruce, ed. Church Administration Handbook. 3rd ed. Nashville: B&H, 2008.


Course Lessons

蕭智新牧師 Rev. Tan Tieu 

蕭智新牧師出生越南西貢.自幼在華人宣道會長大,1978年受浸加入教會。1988年移居美國後於1995畢業San Jose Bible College,在Oakland 市牧養教會8年,並在San Leandro 市作開荒教會事工3年。現自2009年至今,蕭牧師在中華基督教主恩堂任職主任牧師。在牧養其間,蒙神的恩惠及裝備,在金門浸信會神學院獲道學碩士 (M.Div. 2001),神學碩士 (ThM. 2006) 及道學博士候選人 (DMin Candidate, 2025)。蕭牧師熱愛教會音樂,喜愛彈奏各類不同的樂器及作曲,閱讀,打乓乓球及步行。